I have not completed any Lo's or work for 2 day's or been on UKS... having withdrawal symptoms now...... I did pop to Artbase and have bought myself a little wooden manekin to paint up and then attach a mini album, following a challenge that was placed on UKS, following on from an Oscar's theme.... fingers crossed it works out ok..... Anyway I need to finish this weeks challenge and also get painting... also have my CJ to finish and some bits for Karen's Fete.... WOW!!!!....best go and do some work.....MAGIC AND SPARKLE.....

Sounds like your a busy lady. Have fun with your manekin, I had a great time decoration mine for the cybercrop x
Always wanted to do Baby sign when my two where little, I bet it'll be great for you
Although it is tiring sounds like a really good challenge on the signing front. I sign makaton loads at my school and try to make sure all the children who leave reception class know how to sign letters and words confidently. Love the signing piccie and made a similiar one for our ex headteacher when she left and said thank you, She was also a keen signer.
Just wanted to send a hug because you seemed a little down today.
Nina x
myself and my yongest did a sing and sign class . I recomend it to anyone as she couldnt talk but could sign when she was much younger. We all learnt the alphabet and my SIL is now learning makaton and british sign lang to help her in her job x
goodluck x
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