Above is my friend Karen with James Alexandrew.. MARTIN FOWLER, he came to the fete yesterday and cut the cake for the nursery, which is now 10 years old... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUST LEARNING @ WHIPPS CROSS, and well done Karen you have a great nursery established.. It is very rare in the nursery "world" that you are able to keep your staff, as the staff will move around from one nursery to another mainly in search for better pay.. which is a real crime as the pay in the child care profession is appalling... don't get me started on my soap box..... But Karen has staff that started with her 10 years ago and also a lot of staff that have been there for over 5 years... a real testament to her great management skills.....
I am off today to have ago at the weekly challenge and also I have a CJ to finish and I am also making some bits for Cassie for her birthday... busy busy bee xxxx Magic and Sparkle..... xxx